Zero Effect

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Download Movie Zero EffectZero Effect
The world's most private detective.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Mystery, Comedy, Thriller
Year: 1998
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 6600
Actors: Ryan O'Neal as Gregory Stark, Katims, Robert as Gerald Auerbach, Ross, Hugh as Bill, Featherstone, Angela as Jess, Dickens, Kim as Gloria Sullivan, Watkins, Tapp as Firefighter, Pullman, Bill as Daryl Zero, Hasson, Lauren as Little Kid, O'Toole, Matt as Kragan Vincent, Henry, Tyrone as Staffer #1, Barthell, Aleta as Staffer #2, Mariana, Michele as Maid, DeVincentis, Sarah as Daisy, Stiller, Ben as Steve Arlo, Westerwelle, Wendy as Motel Clerk
Shifty timber tycoon Gregory Stark ('Ryan O'Neal' (qv)) is being systematically blackmailed and the use of regular private detectives have proved ineffective. Stark decides to call upon the services of the renowned, reclusive Daryl Zero ('Bill Pullman (qv)), supposedly the world's greatest detective. Stark is very surprised to find himself discussing the intimate details of the case with Zero's amiable associate Steve Arlo ('Stiller, Ben' (qv)) who explains Zero's propensity for never meeting with clients. Zero, using his two 'obs' of objectivity and observation, quickly discovers the identity of the blackmailer but continues the case in order to discover exactly why the seemingly ordinary Gloria Sullivan ('Kim Dickens' (qv)) is attacking Stark in this fashion. As Zero becomes more engrossed in the case and, even worse for him, becomes personally involved with Gloria he is forced to decide between the blackmailer and his client!
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Daryl Zero's character is an obvious parody of Sherlock Holmes, with a clear as Steve Arlo Watson. The eccentric genius adored in the 19th century is, of course, completely insane, in a fit of late 20th century - more like "bourgeois virtues Watson accentuated. The plot is based on the Holmes story 'A Scandal in Bohemia." In fact you can identify most of the DivX film Zero Effect character in the novella, as well as major conflicts - while the father-daughter aspect. "Zero Effect" might be seen as an example of "post-modernism 'in film, with numerous references to the level of literature, gender and popular culture. Knowledge of the sources of intertextuality makes the DivX film Zero Effect more enjoyable. If you like the work of the Coen brothers, it is likely that you'll love this too.
Well, I thought this was an excellent movie. That said, where is the credit to Arthur Conan Doyle? When the movies are based on the works of Shakespeare, as today's versions of Hamlet and Macbeth credit provided that the works of Shakespeare. Zero Effect compare to a scandal in Bohemia. Compare the character of Holmes to zero: 1. The use of drugs 2. both play a musical instrument 3. implementation of both astonishing capacity for observation to solve cases 4. both use disguises 5. Both are solitary dependent intermediaries (Watson / Arlo) Effect on Zero, Arlo deals with conflicts between his romantic life and the need to zero it to work. In a Scandal in Bohemia, Watson has married recently and Waston and Holmes must deal with the issue. The first line of a scandal in Bohemia said: "To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman." Guess what, at the end of Sherlock is not the girl he admires and his opponent as more capable. Doyle guess you must have a copy of Zero Effect tucked away somewhere. Once again, I must say I thought it was a fantastic film. I'm not always a big fan of Pullman, but was excellent in the role. If you are thinking of not seeing this Zero Effect film because she does not like Ben Stiller, and do not let it stop. He takes her in person a couple of notches. Do not expect to see any trace of Zoolander or Meet The Parents.
This is a great update and remake of the adventure of Sherlock Holmes "A Scandal in Bohemia." If Sherlock were about contemporary times, this is what you want. I understand that the Zero Effect film was made for television, with Alan Cumming and Julian Hirsch. It is difficult to imagine that he had to recreate the chemistry between Ben Stiller and Bill Pulm. It may, however, that the idea was taken up and running with two other shows - Monk and House. However, it is a pity that now were sequels. Perhaps, like so many other things, were the stars of its different forms and the rights expired. Too bad.
This starts well, it's a little better and then disappears in the second half and maintained the discoloration. The twists and revelations at the last minute came too late to save the movie. Once the romance ends the suspense, it just does not work the rest of the way. All characters except for the one played by Ben Stiller, are either crooked or have no life or consciousness as it was not difficult for me as a movie: Zero Effect that is so unappealing driving. Bill Pullman in the story is quite good but there was much to recommend this Zero Effect film for me.

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