Bad News Bears

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Download Movie Bad News BearsBad News Bears
Disorganized. Disrespected. Dis summer., The bases are Loaded... So is the coach., Baseball has rules. Meet the exceptions.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Sport, Comedy
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 5.90
IMDB Votes: 5396
Actors: Estrada, Carlos as Miguel Agilar, Johal, Aman as Prem Lahiri, Estrada, Emmanuel as Jose Agilar, Kinnear, Greg as Roy Bullock, Deters, Timmy as Tanner Boyle, Jones, Tyler Patrick as Timmy Lupus, Harris, Kenneth 'K.C.' as Ahmad Abdul Rahim, Tedmori, Jeffrey as Garo Daragabrigadien, Gentile, Troy as Matthew Hooper, Canipe, Ridge as Toby Whitewood, Kraft, Sammi Kane as Amanda Whurlitzer, Davies, Jeffrey as Kelly Leak, Craggs, Brandon as Mike Engelberg, Harden, Marcia Gay as Liz Whitewood, Thornton, Billy Bob as Morris Buttermaker
Morris Buttermaker (Thornton), an alcoholic pest removal worker and former professional baseball player (for a very short time), is recruited to coach and train a failing baseball team of 12 year olds which is about to be thrown out of the league. Although the team does not win the first place in the next championship, it does achieve a great comeback.
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First, let me say that it has been years since I saw the original and not a baseball / softball player I could not remember anything about it. I thought this DVD movie Bad News Bears is funny and has some good messages in the promotion of team concepts, "although it is hidden sometimes in crude language, sexual innuendo and other items not suitable for very young children. I'm a fan of Billy Bob Thorton and I thought he played the part and it was exactly the type of function. Usually, you would not expect to see in a PG-rated DVD film Bad News Bears anyway. I just want families with young children to keep this in mind when choosing a DivX film Bad News Bears for everyone. Some families left after the first few minutes that contains some language not appropriate for young children. The child actors in the Bad News Bears movie are great and nice to see the image. The other benefit to this movie, once again the age of the audience is that it is two hours long it feels as if it's worth your money!
Unskilled belligerent group of young people about the loss of a baseball team Little League coach to get an alcoholic who eventually clean his act - and his own. Any DivX film Bad News Bears fan and familiar with the 1976 Michael Ritchie movie: Bad News Bears "Bad News Bears" remake this look in a perpetual state of denial. For each new added ingredient (a kid in a wheelchair, outside Hooters waitresses, skateband an interlude), a classic sequence fallen, funny lines omitted, ensuring a sense of importance missing and uncharismatic not Plüss child actors who walk through their roles colorlessly. Of course, Billy Bob Thornton is a great substitute for Walter Matthau, Matthau but not the original of all the movies by himself, and Thornton is not fully in character anyway (only breezing through). All the early morning feel of the Little League of Southern California is, and the urgency of the original is gone, too (the kids have something in these games driving). Director Richard Linklater, of course, was fond of the 1976 version, but he knows the notes without hearing the music, but it affects the supply current comedy without seeing the relevance, and its tone and narrative are stubbornly simple (except for the odd opening sequence, which immediately is the image with the left foot). A sad botch. * 1 / 2 ****
Well, sometimes I go to a DVD film Bad News Bears without meaning. This Bad News Bears Sport film was pretty stupid, but I expected it to be. It's filthy mouth and showed the children trying to beat the snot out of each other. After "Bad Santa", I really did not expect less. Someone commented that he had left long pauses to laugh. I'm not sure where you live, but people in my theater was laughing their butts all the bulk of the film. Perhaps an age difference - it was a majority of 20-something crowd to enjoy this movie. In any case I want my children to see this Bad News Bears movie until at least 15, however. It is an adult film: Bad News Bears and I do not think kids need another Bad News Bears Sport film to get wrong ideas. Rated R are better adapted the film, especially if it meant raunchier scenes. However, I enjoyed myself. It is not a DVD movie Bad News Bears for everyone, it is safe - but if you enjoyed "Bad Santa", probably this movie.

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