
Download Insanitarium Movie Here
Download Movie InsanitariumInsanitarium

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Horror, Thriller
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 4.80
IMDB Votes: 724
Actors: Shimerman, Armin as Hawthorne, Pierron, Martin as Insanitarium Patient, Gould, Geoffrey as Psych patient, Kelly, Mark as Policeman, Walters, Dan as Insanitarium Patient #3, Caceres, Kurt as Loomis, Ushery, Yoda as Orderly, Krieger, Christopher as Insanitarium Patient, Metcalfe, Jesse as Jack, Sussman, Kevin, Drocco, Johnny as Insanitarium Patient, Boyle, Felix J. as Mental Patient/Zombie, Woodle, Michael as Skateboarder, Stormare, Peter
Metcalfe will play a man who pretends to be crazy in order to save his sister (Sanchez) from being involuntarily hospitalized. Once inside the institute, the siblings discover that a doctor (Stormare) is using his patients like lab rats, forcing them to take a drug that turns them into flesh-eating psychopaths.
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I saw this last night with some friends, who all appreciate style gore-fest movies. I thought it was a watchable DVD movie Insanitarium that shows some potential in the beginning, but halfway through not fall into disgrace Standard Slasher / horror cliché territory ... One of the redeeming qualities of this title was the blood, which has plenty to keep even the most ardent crimson fan happy. The makeup is very well done, considering that most of the limited budget was probably spent on the two main stars. The usual plot holes are huge, as people who are supposedly crazy, suddenly becoming lucid and able to defend itself, the improvement of motor functions and to have reasonable conversations (save the bullets, we need!). Key features include: a doctor had pulled up the arm to the chin scalpel, knife in the face, metal beak through the head and mouth, a lot of nude and topless women in a couple of shirts a cheesy! Do not rock your world by any means, but if you're a fan of this Insanitarium Horror and you need a bit of escapism (no pun intended), you may find this attractive. I would recommend this to go after seeing the pub / bar for a couple of drinks, and then return to a colleague to see the place this weekend. I 5 10; Oscar, not for a lot less material, but not as terrible way to spend 80 minutes of his life, especially with friends ...
Insanitarium is the best b-movie I've seen, and I seriously, no pun intended. The strongest point of the DVD film Insanitarium is the story. Executed perfectly, and not the usual cliché of "children's sanatorium to break lol." A young man cons his way into a hospital to see her mentally ill sister suicide. It is very interesting and grabs you from the start, from here the DivX Movie Insanitarium only roars uphill. Insanitarium's death will leave dog gore scenes, like me, crying in fear. Some of these things is really impressive. (Eg broken arm and pulled.) This is a very well-crafted Insanitarium Horror film and worth your money. 8 / 10.
OK, I can admit that this DivX Movie Insanitarium tried to be good, but not in so many levels. While watching it, I felt like it was ripping off a whole grip of other films, including Silence of the Lambs (Hannibal Lecter is even a Wannabe!), 28 days later (the remarkable camera work and soundtrack ), and a little Boogeyman 2 (which was also a shit fest). There are plenty of scenes from other family members also Jack, but I do not have time to remember. Invest in a generic and nerdy intelligent companion, a local woman who was naked, and the mad scientist, and you have the whole movie. The gore scenes were stupid, even tastefully done. And as soon as the secret is that people are eating each other, the script is completely crap. The players literally go crazy and try to be as difficult to bloodthirsty zombies that only adds to a huge mess on the screen, on the border lining hilarious. There are a lot of the cliché of a line, such as stick a knife in someone's face and say "Here's your present!" with attitude. Corny as hell, right? Overall, this Insanitarium Horror film does nothing original and is a big yawn-fest of blood and boobs. Rent at your own risk.
I thought this Insanitarium Horror film would be the average .. well maybe .. by Peter Stormare. But it was very disappointing. The plot is very difficult and many parts are missing logic. The first 20 minutes are promising due to the chilling atmosphere. Good music and tranquility credible characters. But then the story becomes "that could be interesting" to "please do not eat meat-again-zombies." After the first half that is getting worse. We all know that music from 28 weeks later. You've seen things like this a thousand times before and this is not very original. 4 / 10, as tested.
The premise of this DivX film Insanitarium is that one man is committed to a mental hospital to rescue his suicidal sister. What he believes it is a mad doctor is injecting his patients with a new nano-technology drugs that patients became vampire cannibal murderers. This is the configuration that allows about two hours of incessant blood. The saddest part of this is the participation of Armin Shimmerman of Star Trek. He is a really good actor, and spends all its four scenes in the same group. Probably he had only one day, and he had to work within the meaning of another parcel. Not a great film, is typical of its genre. It has some interesting and some good production values, but honestly, I do not really care about the characters and do not see a reason for you.

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