Batman Returns

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Download Movie Batman ReturnsBatman Returns
Returns June 19, The Bat, the Cat, the Penguin
Formats: divx, hpc, hidivx
Genres: Romance, Thriller, Action, Crime
Year: 1992
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 45953
Actors: Conaway, Cristi as Ice Princess, Witting, Steve as Josh, Keaton, Michael as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Pfeiffer, Michelle as Catwoman/Selina Kyle, Bryniarski, Andrew as Chip, Hingle, Pat as Commissioner Gordon, Murphy, Michael as Mayor, DeVito, Danny as Penguin/Oswald Cobblepot, Zumwalt, Rick as Tattooed Strongman, Gough, Michael as Alfred Pennyworth, Katarina, Anna as Poodle Lady, Walken, Christopher as Max Shreck, Hooks, Jan as Jen, Schiavelli, Vincent as Organ Grinder, Strong, John as Sword Swallower
Having defeated the Joker, Batman now faces the Penguin - a warped and deformed individual who is intent on being accepted into Gotham society. Crooked businessman Max Schreck is coerced into helping him become Mayor of Gotham and they both attempt to expose Batman in a different light. Earlier however, Selina Kyle, Max's secretary, is thrown from the top of a building and is transformed into Catwoman - a mysterious figure who has the same personality disorder as Batman. Batman must attempt to clear his name, all the time deciding just what must be done with the Catwoman.
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I loved this movie: Batman Returns better than Batman, because I think it was better than Batman. Batman has returned more new characters like the Penguin and Catwoman Man. This DVD film Batman Returns was made in 1992. Has this DVD movie Batman Returns 10 out of 10.
Batman X-Mas ... ... OK, I am interested. Annette Benning originally cast, the role seemed to be Cat in good hands with Ms. Michelle. And Danny DeVito to be allowed free range in the reproduction of the penguins was a great touch. Add some Walken, and we have a movie. Not as big a blockbuster as the original, still well taken. Deploying a little slow and seems a bit mixed, it does not follow the comics very popular, but not any of the other films in the original quadrilogy. Keaton played the role a bit better this time, but also occurs in the script and the screen and outside the mask. It also had the advantage of being the original. Plan of popcorn, but does not allow breaks.

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