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Is there life beyond the stars? [Australia Theatrical], The year we make contact., In the very near future a small group of Americans and Russians set out on the greatest adventure of them all... To see if there is life beyond the stars, We are not alone., Something wonderful is about to happen [Australia Theatrical]
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Sci-Fi, Thriller, Mystery, Adventure
Year: 1984
IMDB Rating: 6.50
IMDB Votes: 12865
Actors: McEachin, James as Victor Milson, Osborne, Madolyn Smith as Caroline Floyd, Deschanel, Mary Jo as Betty Fernandez, Bowman's Wife, Dullea, Keir as Dave Bowman, Kramarov, Saveli as Dr. Vladimir Rudenko, Rudnik, Oleg as Dr. Vasili Orlov, Baskin, Elya as Maxim Brajlovsky, Balaban, Bob as Dr. R. Chandra, Elcar, Dana as Dimitri Moisevitch, Scheider, Roy as Dr. Heywood Floyd, Jaffe, Taliesin as Christopher Floyd, Lithgow, John as Dr. Walter Curnow, Shneider, Natasha as Irina Yakunina, Rain, Douglas as HAL 9000, Mirren, Helen as Tanya Kirbuk
In the year 2001, Dave Bowman was taken by the Jupiter monolith and transformed into a powerful being. Now, in the year 2010, Dr. Heywood Floyd, the man held responsible for Discovery's failure, is going to Jupiter. He and his crewmates must reactivate the psychotic HAL-9000 computer, so they may learn what happened, and they must find out the meaning of Dave Bowman's last transmission... 'My God, it's full of stars...'
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This DivX Movie 2010 has become one of my "night" favorites. If you can not compare with 2001, and just see how good a science fiction adventure, history, there is a lot to offer. Which has a great cast, good dialogue, and humor. It explains a great mystery of the first 2010 movie - HAL why he left the rails. Scheider is always fun to watch and has great chemistry with the rest of the cast. Yes, some of the special effects are a bit cheesy, but so what? This is the kind of 2010 film you can simply sit and enjoy with a big bowl of popcorn. It is rare these days, in which many films are star vehicles, serious "message movies," or simply political rant, or absurd, illogical plot devices that can not be passed (ie, "Flight Plan") . This review was written in reflection of the death of Roy Scheider. He was one of the actors who elevated any 2010 movie I ever saw in rent and a clock effort to assess how did we all desire.
Spoilers here. Kubrick in "2001" 2010 movie becomes richer over time. While countless successors copy photos and visual devices, they miss the genius is completely visual and asks more questions than answers. Let newly refined our minds active, sharpened our imagination. How sad then to re-experience this film. It copies some visual elements of Kubrick, and then added the magic of the state of the art. But what makes soullessly. Everything in this DVD movie 2010 is explained, and explained in the most tedious, uncinematic way - by someone talking to us. It is sad and lifeless and we are at the root of all beings above us only to our misery. Kubrick was the magic he invested their living environment. Then he becomes the narrative to be just as Altman does with his actors. Although many people do not get it, Depalma the "Mission to Mars" is a worthy successor "of 2002." This soft material of 2 "2010" is gelatinous.
Mido science fiction movies after the amount of correction and scientific knowledge (with the exception of fun, but stupid science fiction as "Armageddon" and "Starship Troopers"), and if something is good enough for Clarke or Sagan, it's good enough for me. This sequel to "2001" is much less of a mystery and is not as tedious. It follows the book very well, until the fantastic ending that thrilled me beyond belief when I read that. I really wish that the rest of the series to be made into films, and especially 2064, which is a fantastic space adventure prohibited landing on the moon, which is mentioned in "2010", a rescue mission and an opportunity to get a couple to consider the biological experiment that manufacturers of stone have been carried out by "light" of Jupiter, not the second star of the Solar System. A good movie, no less, although overshadowed by his infamous prequel, is a little easier to see.
This is a completely different animal from the original 2001: A Space Odessy. With this second attempt, you get a completely straightforward science-fiction film, which is alone, and does not need muddlement that his forbearer. Dotted with good performances, some mysticism, some intellectuals, and one of the greatest villains of the screen ever conceived, this self sequel far exceeds the original enjoyability, watchability, and entertainment. That use the solutions to the problems and questions raised in the original, but without returning to find them. Beautiful. Unfortunately, this is one of those "genius of the film, which fans and foes alike search too deeply hidden symbolism and metaphors, which seem far more intellectual than what it really is. It was reminiscent of my Grade 10 English classes in that direction, yet still found a much more pleasant. It was a 7.9/10 in the rates of ... Fiend:.

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