Keeping Up with the Steins

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Download Movie Keeping Up with the SteinsKeeping Up with the Steins
Something's not quite kosher.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 5.40
IMDB Votes: 1231
Actors: Marshall, Garry as Irwin Fiedler, Hannah, Daryl as Sacred Feather/Sandy, Jenkins, Carter as Zachary Stein, Benjamin, Richard as Rabbi Schulberg, Miller, Larry as Arnie Stein, Hines, Tom as Master of Ceremonies, Hines, Cheryl as Casey Nudelman, Cosgrove, Miranda as Karen Sussman, Roberts, Doris as Rose Fiedler, Jefferies, Marc John as Tim, Sabara, Daryl as Benjamin Fiedler, Piven, Jeremy as Adam Fiedler, Robertson, Brittany as Ashley Grunwald, Taylor, Sandra as Raylene Stein, Gertz, Jami as Joanne Fiedler
In toney Brentwood, Benjamin Fiedler prepares for his bar mitzvah; trouble is, he understands neither its meaning nor the Hebrew, and his parents (particularly his successful-agent father) are planning the most lavish party possible. Benjamin wants his dad to give him some space, so he gets an idea: to invite his grandfather, who left the family years ago and for whom Benjamin's dad has an intense dislike, to come two weeks early. Thanks in part to grandpa - and to the immediate family's love - Benjamin may have a shot at figuring out what it means to be a man.
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What bothers me is that this movie: Keeping Up with the Steins should have been better: a real potential. The characters are nice, the idea was good, the performance was excellent. But everything was very unconvincing things. It is a common argument: a total idiot is a conversion and see the light. But for that to work, you must be at least somewhat convincing. In that case, the "conversion" is totally off the screen, probably because they realized that was too extreme for the job on the screen. Everything was settled, finally, in a way that was too pat, too abrupt and too simple. So as it is through a long comedy instead of a movie.
We saw it in a small art house DVD movie Keeping Up with the Steins and I must say, they should make a hell of a lot more movies like "keeping up with the Steins" that the large block-Buster movies that everyone sees and are basically waste of time. This Keeping Up with the Steins movie is a wonderful taste in all aspects. You are smiling throughout the 1 1 / 2 hours of film. My only negative is that I would like to see ya! It is not a kind of knee slapping comedy even though two or three times I laughed out loud. How I wish that Hollywood stand up and take note of this type of film. For me, this is the standout of the season so far. You do not have to be Jewish to enjoy this film, but as they say, "can not hurt!" Run - do not walk to see this movie. My rating - GREAT!
Look, I'm 18 and Jewish. I saw this with 2 of my closest friends also Jewish. Only one of the three of us had a barmitzva. But nevertheless, I am convinced that this Keeping Up with the Steins film is funny if Jews. This was the conclusion of my friends and I came up with. This Keeping Up with the Steins Comedy has a target audience, and that is the audience that any measure of how you can relate to it. It is a bit slow and sometimes feels as if it is missing a scene. But the jokes are there, and made me laugh. Like most old story that would give a 5, but as a Jewish comedy I give a 9, so that leads us to a seven. Jermey is funny as ever and a couple CAMI roles really do not want to reveal the whole DVD film Keeping Up with the Steins comes together at the same time that brawl in their seats.
Keeping up with the Steins is the kind of DivX Movie Keeping Up with the Steins that studies can be proud of their release to the public. The acting is great, the script is well written, there is nothing wrong with this movie. The lessons to be learned from this history are such that everyone see this Keeping Up with the Steins film may have something of it. I applaud the actors, writers, directors and production company that has placed a small jewel in the market. This is not a great DivX film Keeping Up with the Steins market high gross, but if you want to show and a real feel good Keeping Up with the Steins Comedy film is not lost. Large companies should produce more films like this.

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