
Download Disclosure Movie Here
Download Movie DisclosureDisclosure
sex is power
Formats: hpc, divx, hidivx
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Year: 1994
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 9941
Actors: Miller, Dennis as Mark Lewyn, Plakson, Suzie as Mary Anne Hunter, Forsyth, Rosemary as Stephanie Kaplan, Urla, Joe as John Conley Jr, Maffia, Roma as Catherine Alvarez, Chieffo, Michael as Stephen Chase, Sutherland, Donald as Bob Garvin, Baker, David, Einhorn, Faryn as Eliza Sanders, Sadler, Nicholas as Don Cherry, Goodall, Caroline as Susan Hendler, Attanasio, Joseph as Furillo, Baker, Dylan as Philip Blackburn, Douglas, Michael as Tom Sanders, Moore, Demi as Meredith Johnson, Kim, Jacqueline as Cindy Chang
With his company about to merge, a happily married and successful computer expert is expecting a promotion. Instead the job goes to a woman from another plant with whom he had an affair in his bachelor days. His new boss, not only dangerously sexy but equally dangerously ambitious, tries to pick up where they left off but he just about manages to resist. As his position at work comes under increasing pressure he decides to file charges of sexual harassment. This is the last thing the company needs.
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Excellent pulp fiction fare, I was not surprised to find that it is based on a novel by Michael Crighton. All the big players earn their salaries and the plot and dialogue are crisp, slick and suspenseful. I think the fascination for many men of the "unjustly accused harasser" Disclosure movie is that these days the law and society sometimes seems biased toward women - perhaps in response to a longstanding trend in favor of men. Here the author, a woman who portrays herself as a victim, and uses the weight of society (and, more importantly, the firm) to censure the life of Michael Douglas living a nightmare. The subtext smart (as in Fatal Attraction) is that the MD is not squeaky-clean. There are too many coincidences that little nightmare for my taste, but this movie: Disclosure is 400 pages and does not have to tell the story. I am an unabashed fan Michael Douglas and Demi Moore looks good enough to eat, let alone be on the path. Dennis Miller is good as the kind of buddy Walter Brennan, updated to 90. Another comedian who is acting after SNL?. Overall, a very successful film: Disclosure in the "body heat" gender, but not quite the heights of success "Fatal Attraction." Gran stabbed to 90 companies in the "culture". Come on, however, is Michael Crichton, you are looking for the next book tomorrow.
This Disclosure Drama movie may not be exactly a thriller, but is approaching. Michael Douglas gives one of his best performances here as a man who is seduced by her boss (Demi Moore, who is hotter than hell) and was demand for sexual harassment. Good dialogue (by author Michael Chricton) and good performances make this watchable, and the plot is a bit smarter. Dennis Miller has a small role as a coworker. A --
I am really surprised that there is next to no comments on this excellent thriller. It has often been at ITV now, but only now have captured after reading a secondhand copy of the novel. This thriller concerns the inequality between men and women in the workplace corporate brilliant, showing the attitude of friends and colleagues called clichés. this DVD film Disclosure has a genuine moral until it rises from it is to be successful. The plight of man against the company manager megalomaniac desperate women seems quite against the political correctness of the 90s, but it is realistic, showing a unphilanthropic which unfortunately, is sometimes complicated world. Especially in the world increasingly dominant corporations, just the loss of human empathy is a reaction of the other most often selfish concerns. Michael Douglas as Tom was excellent, although the performance of Meredith was sometimes a little cliche, but this, of course, is what it should be. All-in-all a very enjoyable, exciting thriller with all the sites that usually only the adaptation of a novel can explore a real problem that other contemporary thriller typically leave blank.
'Disclosure' is that you can not lose. The plot is well known not to be summarized here, but suffice it to say that this Disclosure Drama is loaded with crackling drama, the edge of your seat suspense, witty and snappy dialogue (best line - Garvin on the transfer to Sanders Austin: "Making a lateral move to Austin is like a duck on a lateral move to 'a l'orange.") and a melting celluloid seduction scene. Excellent acting by all (I like Michael Douglas, I do not care what they say), and the Disclosure film captures a visceral form of high power, high game, ruthless world of business, politics in the world of cutting-edge hardware and software development. My wife and I give a straight, the 'A'.

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