
Download Thunderheart Movie Here
Download Movie ThunderheartThunderheart

Formats: hpc, ipod, divx, hidivx
Genres: Crime, Thriller, Western, Mystery
Year: 1992
IMDB Rating: 6.50
IMDB Votes: 4532
Actors: Thin Elk, Ted as Grandpa Sam Reaches, Pumpkin Seed, Sylvan as Hobart, Ward, Fred as Jack Milton, Joseph, Allan R.J. as Leo Fast Elk, Greene, Graham as Walter Crow Horse, Kilmer, Val as Ray Levoi, Drum, Julius as Richard Yellow Hawk, O'Meara, Brian A. as FBI Agent, Brave, Sarah as Maisy Blue Legs, Trudell, John as Jimmy Looks Twice, Linn, Rex as FBI Agent, Shepard, Sam as Frank Coutelle, Tousey, Sheila as Maggie Eagle Bear, Thompson, Fred Dalton as William Dawes, Massett, Patrick as Agent Mackey
An FBI man with Sioux background is sent to a reservation to help with a murder investigation, where he has to come to terms with his heritage. Slowly he rejects the intimidating tactics of his fellow FBI agents, who are not so interested in solving the crime as covering up an incriminating situation with the locals, and as he becomes more tuned to his heritage, the locals begin trusting him. Based on actual Reservation occurrences of the '70s.
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Perhaps it's because the Thunderheart film remains in the shadow of "Dances With Wolves" - or perhaps because it is not marketed well - but it is beyond me and all those I know who have seen this Thunderheart Crime movie why not do better in theaters . All the pieces are there: great actors (and acting), great characters, excellent photography, incredible, exciting, and simply wonderful history, mystery, suspense, comedy. I did not want to end this movie! A Thunderheart Crime film beloved by many. Rent now.
Thiw excellent Thunderheart film has emerged as one of my favorites of all time - a very low rate and under-seen. It is the closest to the cam that gives me a real picture of life and beliefs of the Sioux. "The answer, as stated in the beginning of the film, and again later, has the beauty of a lunar landscape. Sam Shepard as Frank Coutelle is a heavy - slimy and sleazy. When bitten by a badger, that almost wants to encourage the badger. Sheila Tousey as Maggie Eagle Bear plays a strong and sympathetic part - for his fight against the rights of persons lawfully on the white man's world. Val Kilmer begins as an FBI agent, the first to admit that shame has American Indian blood. Chief Ted Thin Elk as Grandpa reaches a "natural" --- playing the part of a medicine man. Graham Greene and, as always, a pleasure to see. Give this Thunderheart Crime film a watch --- you'll never regret.
This Thunderheart film struck me in the theater! I had heard from friends and family how beautiful are the badlands. The photograph of this beautiful Thunderheart Crime movie that led directly to me. The script was concise and elegant. I like scripts that require my attention to detail there. Most of all, the players excelled in their parts. Val Kilmer manages perfectly transitions: from a disinterested actor reluctant nonbeliever to a believer to skeptic completion seamless! I really like Fred Ward and hated his character in this film. Sam Shephard always consistent high performance. I think it was the first time I saw Graham Greene. He turned in a terrific performance. Ensures that this Thunderheart Crime asks what I learned from a textbook. Brings in, it shows another angle, shows the other side of the story, and requires you to think before taking a side. I paid to see this Thunderheart Crime twice in the theater and bought the DVD when it was released. I watch regularly. If I had to pick another DVD film Thunderheart to be similar power, is "In Search of Honor," with Don Johnson and Craig Sheffer.
This film, based on a true incident in Oglala Indian Reservation in South Dakota, seamlessly combines great performance, largely by Native Americans, taut direction, dialogue and delicious. It is stimulating, enlightening, or at a pace, and always entertaining. As a touching DivX Movie Thunderheart as I've ever seen me with this type of LA Confidential, Life is beautiful, as one of the top three films of the 1990s. Val Kilmer has never been better and Graham Greene is simply superb, even better than he was in Dancing with Wolves. This is a must for the whole family.
This is a DivX Movie Thunderheart everyone should see. The representation of Native Americans and the difficulties they are facing life was true. They were like real people with flaws and good sides instead of the typical clichés stereo. The "conquest" of the Indians and the appropriation of their land by whites was conveniently ignored or falsely healthy as you can see a DVD film Thunderheart in 1950. There was some good acting and shows that Val Kilmer is just a very macho type with a certain depth and honesty to the role. I was touched when he admitted having been ashamed of his heritage when he was a child. Ring true for many of us in the minority surrounded by a white majority. Graham Greene was a great show nice, but usually the role of Fred Ward was developed under in my opinion. Sam Shepard was good too. Mysticism, political and cultural interaction, all come to play in an ultimately uplifting film. The final "trade" and the scene of the awakening Kilmer character left me a good feeling.
Thunderheart is one of the best thriller I've seen in my life. Michael Apted does a good job as director. Horner's score is also very Listener, which also features Val Kilmer (one of my favorite actors), giving the greatest performance ever seen him. The story of an FBI agent (Kilmer) who investigates a murder of an Indian is very believable, there is always tension in the story, not too little action and less of a mystical background. The confrontation is absolutely brilliant. So watch this DVD film Thunderheart is a masterpiece!
This is an interesting film, but went a little overboard in political correctness. Why Hollywood is more than skeptical of the Bible, but has no overall problem of American Indian reverence for the "theology" with witches, spirits of trees, etc., as shown in this DVD film Thunderheart is not "fair and balanced" making the film, but that the trend for you. However, I liked the single most chilling scene of the badlands in this film. I have never seen a photo like this. In addition, there are good action scenes and the cast is interesting intriguing five types: Val Kilmer, Sam Shepard Graham Greene, Fred Ward and Fred Dalton Thompson -- My only complaint is that in this story the agenda seems to overshadow the story of suspense.
I had to go with a 9 for it, because it is a bit long and sleep, plus the viewer must pay close attention to follow it. The first time I saw him at age 17, not really, but I was impressed by his honest representation of the reservation. Now that you've been warned, I recommend it. I had immediate respect for the Indians who had always considered useless. We can not hope to succeed in a world that does not create, nor particularly want to participate in. The level of intelligence of the Indian characters is admirable, complementary, and credible. I will see again tomorrow. Val Kilmer is excellent as usual, and Graham Greene should have received an Oscar, but sometimes there are not enough for everyone. The movie: Thunderheart is just amazing. If you like movies that meet halfway and take the energy to look, you will be impressed. If you liked Titanic, do not bother.
Michael Apted has had a few indifferent films, but Thunderheart is in my opinion their best. Apted focuses on the Indian tribal badlands, South Dakota, to explore the mysticism of the Sioux culture and examine the impact of their forced coexistence with the modern American lifestyle. This juxtaposition of two cultures mix is best illustrated by Val Kilmer, who plays a young, brash and cocky FBI investigator with blood Sioux sent "back home" to investigate a murder. The investigation of the murder appears to be the tip of the iceberg, revealing a greater conspiracy to steal land away from the Sioux. There is a surreal edge throughout the film, balanced and with an attractive and fascinating history. Kilmer is in his best here, with the help and support of a large cast. The action was fast and thick, surrounded by an aura of mystical magic that was supplied by the best hits of the James Horner soundtrack. During two hours I caught. This is an excellent film.

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