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Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Music, Biography, Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 8.20
IMDB Votes: 3091
Actors: Harris, Nigel as Tramp, Pearson, James Anthony as Bernard Sumner, Naylor, Ben as Martin Hannett, Gronemeyer, Herbert as Public GP, Treadaway, Harry as Stephen Morris, Kebbell, Toby as Rob Gretton, Riley, Sam as Ian Curtis, Sheridan, Andrew as Terry Mason, Shelly, Robert as Twinny, McNulty, Matthew as Nick Jackson, Plester, Tim as Earnest Richards, Lara, Alexandra Maria as Annik Honore, Morton, Samantha as Deborah Curtis, Parkinson, Craig as Tony Wilson, Anderson, Joe as Peter Hook
Ian Curtis is a quiet and rather sad lad who works for an employment agency and sings in a band called Warsaw. He meets a girl named Debbie whom he promptly marries and his band, of which the name in the meantime has been changed to Joy Division, gets more and more successful. Even though Debbie and he become parents, their relationship is going downhill rapidly and Ian starts an affair with Belgium Annik whom he met after one of the gigs and he's almost never at home. Ian also suffers from epilepsy and has no-good medication for it. He doesn't know how to handle the feelings he has for Debbie and Annik and the pressure the popularity of Joy Division and the energy performing costs him.
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It is amazing what can hide a name, one word defines it and what they left out. "Control" brings a little light at the end of vocalist Ian Curtis, the man does behind the joy Division.What often spoken about is that there was a tragic death at the age of 24 years with a suicide ending a very complicated life. Not being a true fan of J. Division and not knowing what it is I was surprised by the girl behind that name, trying to find his way through life as best they could. His youth reflects all aspects of their lives, from the impetuous choices made in the early years of marriage and parenthood, or the passionate / Annik relative silence. That is the key to the heart of the movie, see a couple trying to shape itself, trying to grow, to cope with life, becoming aware of the options and trying, trying to be in control. All this with a troubled personality. The black and white photography works well to portray the consternation bedroom cities of England in 1970, pure urban voids where nothing interesting seemed to grow, and it is surprising that the history of the cult bands of the era. It seems that never left those places.
I have read the reviews of this film: Control and decided that it was worth one point. I must say that while I was in Manchester during the 1970s I was not a fan of Punk music. This Control Music film is beautifully done - 1950/60s almost like a kitchen sink of the Control Music gritty north (there are worse places Macclesfield, believe me!). I do not know Joy Divsion of work, but the acting in this DVD movie Control by the main actors was excellent. Sam Riley as Curtis is very good as is Samantha Morton as his downtrodden wife. I thought the guy who played the manager was a bit OTT. What a pity that Tony Wilson died before he was released. My reaction was much like I had to Trainspotting. He was convinced that I would not like to be outside, but feeling that this was a very important film. Even if you do not know music or Punk Joy Division - to go along. Well worth it.
Like everyone else, I loved the look of this movie. Beautiful, very artistic, Black and White shots were a joy to see. The story was too good, riveting in parts, but kind of predictable, but are a fan of Joy Division, you know the story. Lol. Salvador is not the UK DVD movie Control as everyone is doing what it should. But sumptuous (sp?) Visual, and some good acting rises above the average for this film, what more do you want? Well worth seeing, but do not expect a groundbreaking Control movie and enjoy immensely.

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